Wolfgang Röhrig
European Defense Agency

Wolfgang Röhrig is the Head of Unit Information Superiority in the Capability, Armament and Planning Directorate of the European Defence Agency (EDA). Born in 1966 in Germany, he entered the German Navy in 1985. After completing his studies at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg with the degree of MBA in 1990, he served in several officer’s positions in the German Navy and the German Joint Services, including several operational deployments and service in NATO.
In March 2012 he joined EDA as Project Officer and became Programme Manager of Cyber Defence beginning of 2014. In this position he developed and shaped the EDA Cyber Defence Programme, being inter alia responsible for the identification of capability gaps with respect to cyber defence in EU-led military operations, and the development and implementation of solutions for closing these gaps through cooperative projects with EU Member States. In February 2018 he returned to the German Armed Forces becoming a staff member of the new Cyber and Information Domain Services Headquarters dealing with International Cooperation in Cyber Defence. Since November 2018 he is leading the EDA Information Superiority Team in EDA. The EDA Information Superiority Team pools the EDA expertise on Capability Development in the Cyber Domain and the Space Domain as well as on C4ISR topics.